18 August 2015

Game Guest Star: John Marston

We gladly present this week's star to you, JOHN MARSTON, who was suggested by @jared_fucili. you can suggest stars by following me on twitter and tagging your choice with #GameGuestStar.

"People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven." -
 John Marston

John Marston was born in 1873 to an illiterate Scottish immigrant,
who was blinded in both eyes during a bar fight south of Chicago, and a prostitute (his mom died at childbirth) who both died while he was still young. He was sent to the orphanage at the age of 8 where he lived his teenage years. However, he escaped from the orphanage under unclear circumstances and he became a part of Dutch van der Linde’s notorious gang along with Bill Williamson and Javier Esquela, where he learned how to fight and survive in the wild. He also met his future wife, Abigail, in the gang and Dutch became something of a father figure to him. He committed robberies, kidnapping, murders and raids with Dutch's gang. According to Marston, the gang was more like Robin hood's, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. 

 In 1906, John Marston got shot during a failed robbery and was left to die by his gang-members, he therefore decided to retire from being an outlaw to begin a new life with his wife, Abigail, his young son - Jack and his daughter who later died from an unknown cause. He built a ranch in Beecher’s Hope, John became an honest rancher, father, and provider. He didn’t want any trouble, but inevitably trouble would find him. 
Five years later, however, U.S. federal agents (bureau of investigation) came knocking on his door and ordered him to act as a bounty hunter and apprehend his former outlaw friends. To add motivation and ensure his loyalty, the agents kidnapped his family and held them hostage, promising their release upon the completion of John's obligations.
Starting from the town of Black water, John was escorted by train to the town of Armadillo where he met with a guide named Jake. Jake took him to Fort Mercer, where Bill Williamson and his own gang had taken refuge. Marston confronted and tried to reason with Bill outside the gates but was literally shot down, suffering a bullet to the ribs. He was found by a passing woman named Bonnie McFarlane and was taken to her ranch in Hennigan's Stead where John quickly recovered. After his recovery, John worked with local stakeholders in the city of Armadillo and other colorful characters to help him enter and assault Fort Mercer. Marston raided Fort Mercer, but Williamson was nowhere to be found. Bill had fled to Mexico with the help of Javier Escuella, another member of Marston's former gang. Marston followed Williamson to the province of Nuevo Paraiso in Mexico. There, Marston became entangled in a civil war between the rebels led by a man named Abraham Reyes and soldiers in the region, led by Colonel Agustin Allende. Marston worked for both sides to locate Williamson, but he was betrayed by Allende and from there, John went to work permanently with the rebels. 

The rebels later assaulted the palace of Allende in Escalera, killing Williamson and Allende. John returned to Blackwater where he hoped to be reunited with his family after completing his mission, but Edgar Ross, the head agent, told John that his mission was not over - he had to kill Dutch Van der Linde. John was reluctant but knew he did not have a choice and agreed to take out Dutch (Dutch was leading a gang of Native Americans in the mountains of Tall Trees). John attempted several attacks on Dutch, until he and the U.S Army assaulted Cochinay, Dutch's hideout. Marston then chased Dutch through a cave that leads onto a cliff from an opening at the end. Dutch told him that he was only fighting for what he believed in and that the Government would only find another monster to justify their actions and then he stepped off the cliff. With his old gang dead, John was allowed to return to his family.

After meeting at his ranch with his family, John began to live as he always wanted: taking care of his ranch and family. The days were more or less peaceful until one day, John's ranch was assaulted by U.S. soldiers led by Edgar Ross. John defended his family as they fled to the barn on his ranch, his wife, Abigail and his son, Jack fled on horseback. John, still in the barn, peered through the doors to see a firing squad on the other side. He pushed open the doors and drew his revolver, taking down as many people as he could before they opened fire. John was killed after a short struggle, by his death, he knew Ross wouldn't persecute Abigail and Jack anymore, though, Jack later became an outlaw and tracked down Edgar Ross and killed him without hesitation). His body was buried on a hillside at his ranch, and his grave was later joined by his wife's in 1914. 

John took pride in his shooting skills. Even as a rancher, he could gun down an impressive number of people before they even had a chance to react.
John was strong, determined, and resourceful. John did whatever he could to survive and to make sure his family survived too (he sacrificed his life). He had a strong dislike for birds and had a rather dull imagination, unlike his son. He was either an agnostic theist or a christian who isn't overtly religious. He was also extremely polite to women and would do almost anything to protect them (he pistol-whipped Irish to protect two nuns he was holding up). He was also loyal to his wife and seemed to get angry when someone mentions his wife's past.  

you can follow me on twitter @ioddgamers for quick links and updates.

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