26 August 2015

Compa-reasons: PlayStation 4 or Xbox One

*This is just a comparison and not a rating.

Are you confused as to the one to buy or not to? Follow us as we compare the two consoles in this blog post and you can also leave comments below!! 

Xbox One vs Sony PS4 – Design

Xbox One – 10 per cent larger than 360, 'big black box' design, 3.18kg
PS4 – Slanted design, 2.8kg
In terms of design the Xbox One and PS4 are completely different prospects.
Microsoft’s Xbox One is far, far larger – an imposing black monolith of the living room. The PS4 is sleeker, slimmer and less likely to dominate your under-TV space.
Both keep the severe, black and masculine style that’s common to games consoles, though.The Xbox One is 10 per cent larger than its predecessor, the Xbox 360. It weighs around the same as the last console, though, at roughly 3kg. The PS4 is only marginally lighter, at 2.8kg. This shouldn’t come as a great surprise, though, as they both have to fit in similar components. Why the extra size in the Xbox One? It’s likely that part of the internal volume of the Xbox One’s case is there to aid cooling. Overheating was a significant problem in the Xbox 360, responsible for causing many of the red ring issues that plagued the console’s earlier years. The charging cables are also something to consider when it comes to design. The Xbox One has a huge power brick that it requires in order to turn on. It can make your neat wire organisation pretty complicated, as you'll need to make space for it behind the TV somewhere. The PS4 on the other hand has a single power cable that runs from socket to console with no power brick in sight, meaning it's far easier to move from room to room when required.

PS4 vs Xbox One - Connectivity

playstation 4 top, xbox one below

What you might need to know is the ports that these consoles are packing around back (and sides and front). Let's start with the PS4, which has far fewer ports. It has two USB ports at the front alongside the Blu-ray disc drive, which are great for charging your controllers. You've also got the power and disc eject buttons. Around back you've got the power port at the bottom left, while along the top row you have optical out, HDMI, Ethernet and AUX ports. 
But the Xbox One has a vast array of ports surrounding the whole console. On the front it's pretty simple - just the disc drive and the eject button, with the Xbox logo acting as a capacitive touch power button. Down the left hand side of the console, there's a hidden USB port, which can be used to charge your controller if you've bought the Play and Charge kit. Above that is the accessory pairing button. But around back, there's a small army of ports that give the Xbox One the edge in terms of being the ultimate home entertainment console. There's the AC port for power, a HDMI out that connects your console directly to your TV, Optical out and a HDMI in for feeding your cable TV box into your Xbox One. Then there's a pair of USB ports, the Kinect port, IR out and the Ethernet port. There's also a lock port that allow you to connect a laptop lock to secure your console.

PS4 vs Xbox One - Interface

xbox one interface

The look of the Xbox One software is heavily inspired by elements of Windows Phone and Windows 8. Microsoft clearly wanted to reach a certain level of parity between its platforms. It has a modern look, but many people have criticised the software for its glitchiness and bouts of odd behaviour. It can be a little complicated to navigate at first, especially if you've opted for the Kinect-free Xbox One bundle. However, once we had mastered the use of the context-specific menu button and discovered where Microsoft has hidden certain features, we actually don't mind the UI. PC users will definitely find the Xbox One UI easier to master because of its similarities with the Windows 8 Metro layout, so bare that in mind before you purchase.
playstation 4 interface
The PS4 has a simpler, somewhat less ambitious user interface. As it leaves you scrolling in just one direction most of the time, we find it a more intuitive experience than the Xbox One's software.There's rungs of content: the lower bar offering all your Recently Used content and holds all your games and apps in the Library icon at the end, while the top rung has the Settings, your PSN account, friends, notifications and other more system-related functions. There is room for improvement, though. For example at present you can't bring out the Netflix app to the top 'recently used' layer of the UI, even though it's a PS4 favourite for many people. However, all your content is easily accessible without having to delve into sub-folders and the like. It's definitely the more straightforward of the two UIs.

Xbox One vs PS4 – Processor

Xbox One – AMD 8-core Jaguar CPU
PS4 - AMD 8-core Jaguar CPU
The Xbox One and PS4 use extremely similar CPUs made by AMD. Both use an APU setup, which links together both CPU and GPU into one package.
The CPUs are 8–core chips using ‘Jaguar’ cores – a term picked by their maker AMD to denote their chipset generation. The Xbox One runs at 1.75GHz, which was bumped-up from their original spec of 1.6GHz. Sony's runs slightly cooler at 1.6GHz, which may make some of you think the Xbox One is more powerful. This is not the case. The power of the GPU is much more important here.
PS4 vs Xbox One – GPU and RAM

Xbox One - Comparable to Radeon HD 7000-series, 8GB DDR3 RAM and 32MB eSRAM
PS4 - Comparable to Radeon HD 7000-series, 8GB GDDR5 RAM
The PS4 and Xbox One both use an AMD GPU. At first glance it seems like their GPUs may be identical, but they are not. On paper the PS4 graphics processor is 50 per cent more powerful, with 1,152 shader processors against the Xbox One’s 768. Realizing that this sounded pretty bad, Microsoft worked on upping the One's power a bit and on 2 August announced that its GPU speed from 800MHz to 853MHz. It's a nice tweak for the tech heads, but doesn't see the Xbox One match up to the PS4. Having extra processing power will let the PS4 perform more tasks simultaneously – which should in theory allow for more impressive visual effects. A more impressive GPU is matched with more impressive-sounding RAM. The PS4 uses GDDR5 RAM, while the Xbox One has more conventional DDR3 memory – and both have 8GB of the stuff. GDDR5 has much higher bandwidth than DDR3, designed for intensive applications such as in graphics cards, while DDR3 is ‘bog standard’ system memory.
If DDR3 was all the Xbox One had, it’d be in serious trouble. But it also has an eSRAM buffer that should help to bridge the 100GB/sec bandwidth gap between the two RAM types. It has a 32MB chunk of eSRAM that will function as a frame buffer. The news that the Sony PS4 is (almost) categorically more powerful than the Xbox One is one of the reasons why the PS4 pre-order sold out before the Xbox One's.

Xbox One vs PS4 – Graphics

One of the main reason core gamers have chosen to favour the PS4 over the Xbox One is its categorically better graphics hardware. But does it translate to better graphics in games? In quite a few cases it does. It’s not necessarily a case of missing effects, less complicated shadows and other such obvious cut-backs, but output resolution. With many games, the PS4 renders at a slightly higher resolution than the Xbox One. If you have a good 1080p TV, you will be able to see the difference if you get up close and personal. However, in the current wave of games there is not really a gigantic difference between the two. But, if you're going to generalise, developers tend to release games with a higher resolution on the PS4 than on the Xbox One. Take Battlefield Hardline for example, which runs at 900p on PS4 and only 720p HD on Xbox One. That's pretty much echoed across the board for cross-platform titles and we always wonder why this is the case. Native Xbox One titles run at full 1080p HD and at a steady 30fps framerate - just look at the stunning Forza Horizon 2We’re already seeing the PS4 perform better in current games, and this is only likely to continue as more ‘new-gen’ titles are released. 
watch video by redgamingtech below:-

So, which of the consoles do you feel is better?? leave a comment below.

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